Tuesday, May 22, 2012


do to unforseen  shit storm,,we will not be attending the BMR this year,,,we'd like to thank Chris for the invite to this event,,but untill we can get my wifes dibetes under control ,,events/travels will be limited..Hope all yall hav a blast an a safe ride,,


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Alien Abduction wing tank

made this one to be  raffled off at the Alien Abduction bash,,which is in Rachel,NV   May19th

Thursday, April 19, 2012

old covered bridges

we hav 2 close by,, goin to ride out an photo/video them this weekend,,,i like old stuff,motorcycles ,buildins,bridges, tools, machines....

this is the Bob White covered bridge...

an Jacks Creek bridge which is up stream from the Bob White...


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bring it back to life....

so,,i took this cb500 in on as some payment towards gettin a customers cb750 completed,,,

has some awsome 70's paint on it,,,,

had this really cool tank with it...which im holdin on to

made a new coffin tank,,sissy bar,mounts for the fender,up graded the chargin system, rebuilt carbs,etc etc.  now  off to her new owner

Saturday, March 10, 2012

All tanked up today....

3 tanks under construction,,the coffin ,, hav left to do ,,, make the mounts an treat the inside with RED-KOTE...the wing tank is goin to THE VEGAS CREW~DEVILS PLAYGROUND out in Las Vegas,,, to be given away at the ALIEN ABDUCTION BASH in May...the sharp prizm with the pentagram front is up for grabs...

Bolt on Forwards

use to make several sets of these a year,,i guess the style has kinda gone back to ridin mids,,,these i made for a XS650,,but i can make a set for pretty much what ever u ride...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

XS 400 hardtail section

this ones gonna be a trick little chop,, stretch 3"  lowered 2"

i sleeve an rosetta weld the bottom tubes

fitting the bottom tube

top tube,stock vertical tube an backbone fitted

lookin up from inside the mtr loop..

 tacked,,ready to be welded up

Sunday, March 4, 2012

frame jig fixtures

makin a new axle plate fixture,, the old ones i hav made an been usin are still efficient, but needin more adjustability, i made this to accomodate ones wantin wider than normal tire sizes, smaller or larger axle sizes,etc, etc.. with the adjustability been a little quicker an at the same time bein as or more accurate.. only bad point , at the  moment is not bein able to shoot lines with the lazer level,,bein its a single post design,, but theres always the string method..

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

$5 gas tank....

I bought this tank at a flea market for $5,,,big ugly sob,,had about 6 coats of somekinda paint job on it an looked like someone had try to kill it with a hachet...

so,, needin more fuel capacity than my 1.5 gal prizm,, i proceeded to remove all the crap paint, sand out all the gouges best i could, an remove about 1.5" outta the center

welded back up,,redid the tunnel, mounts,,added fuel outlet an bungs for a sight gauge... then the fun began,,i added a rib to it ,,.25 round stock ,  heated,tack,bend to shape,tack,repeatrepeatrepeat...most ive seen done were just tacked then bondo applied to make the shape,,i welded this one all the way around,,ground,sanded to shape,,after alotta fire an fury ..

WALLAAA!!   painted, an now resideing on my bike..